About a week ago, my team gave a presentation about implementing a stand-alone photovoltaic system as an alternative source of energy to my class. My team had to come up with a way to translate our technical proposal into a presentation and deliver the idea and solutions to the audience effectively. Although my team's idea was challenging as it was an ambitious proposal, feedbacks from our fellow students on our presentations were positive. Our classmates found our presentation easy to understand and feasible. On top of that, Brad, our lecturer, found our presentation to be very informative as we were able to present the extensive research that my group had done in our presentation. I was particularly relieved when Brad mentioned that our pitch was well-founded as I spent hours researching on how to deliver a good pitch. Of course, there were moments where nerve got the better of me and I started to halt briefly in my speeches. Fortunately, I was able to stay calm and avoid a nervous wreck. Although it was saddening that my group was not voted as the best, I am proud of the efforts my team had put into the project.
I felt that the reason my group was not voted the best was probably due to the ambitious nature of our project. A major investment would be needed in order for SIT to trial the stand-alone system and my classmates probably felt the difficulty we would face in implementing the project. Nonetheless, I felt our presentation was a success as my team was able to bring across our ideas to our audience effectively. My team spent hours together discussing and drafting our proposal. Even up to the week of our presentation, my team was still researching extensively to ensure that we cover all loose ends and ensure our presentation was flawless. I am fortunate to have such hardworking and reliable teammates to ensure that we spread the workload evenly and always lend each other a helping hand.
In conclusion, although it was disappointing that my team's hard work did not culminate in my team becoming the best in presentation, I feel that through this experience my teammates and I can grow stronger. I strongly believe that as an aspiring engineer, the most important skill to have in life is perseverance and hard work. Whenever the going gets tough, never give up and always look to improve ourselves. Therefore, I strive to ensure that in the future, I always give my best efforts in every obstacle I face and ensure that I have no regrets no matter the outcome of my hard work.
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Ahmad's Analytical reflection (09/12/16)
Danish's Analytical reflection (09/12/16)
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Ahmad's Analytical reflection (09/12/16)
Danish's Analytical reflection (09/12/16)